
CAD and 3D Printing

A very kind friend hooked me up with an Ender 3 v2 3D printer that he found listed for free on Facebook Marketplace. After printing a few models I found online, I quickly decided to learn how to design my own using CAD software.

I decided to learn FreeCAD, since I have a preference for open-source tools. Though it’s not quite fully mature yet, it works well enough for a beginner like myself, and is beginning to pick up some momentum in the CAD community.

A few examples of models I’ve made are below.

Soil Moisture Sensor Enclosure

I designed a soil sensor moisture enclosure and waterproofed it by applying some silicone to the openings.

FreeCAD model of soil sensor enclosure

Physical printed soil sensor enclosure

Wiimote Holder

I fashioned a little holder for my Wii Remotes! It’s available on Printables.

FreeCAD model of the Wiimote Holder

Picture of the printed Wiimote Holder

Wii Sensor Bar Holder

I made a little device that holds the Wii sensor bar underneath my TV.

FreeCAD model of the Sensor Bar Holder

Physical printed Sensor Bar Holder attached to my TV

Wi-Fi QR Code Card

I made a little physical QR code card for folks to join my home’s guest Wi-Fi.

FreeCAD model of Wi-Fi card

Physical printed Wi-Fi card

Record Album Holder

Here’s a model that holds my records in a semi-staggered display.

FreeCAD model of record holder

Physical printed record holder holding some records

Robot Vacuum Dock Holder

My robot vacuum would occasionally push around its charger when it tried to dock with it. I designed a part to mount it to the wall and hold it in place.

FreeCAD model of dock holder

Physical printed dock holder attached to the wall