
Running Frigate on Port 443

I recently started setting up Frigate for my family to use for security camera recording on a Synology Diskstation NAS.

To make it easy for them to access, I configured the Docker container to run with a distinct IP address and assigned it a friendly hostname.

Unfortunately, Frigate runs its HTTPS server on port 8917 by default, so the friendly hostname is marred with an ugly :8917 at the end.

Frigate recommends mapping this port to 443 with Docker, but since I used the macvlan network driver to give Frigate its own IP, port mapping wasn’t possible.

Instead, I had to mount a modified listen.gotmpl into the Docker container with the “listen” entries modified to get Nginx to listen on port 443:

  - /volume1/docker/frigate/nginx/listen.gotmpl:/usr/local/nginx/templates/listen.gotmpl:ro

This article touches on it briefly.